
About a year ago, I realized that my kids weren't doing that well in the sports we had signed them up for. After talking with my kids, I realized that there were some serious issues with a few of the things we had taught them, so I started investing more and more time into helping my kids to love the programs. It was incredible to talk with them about what they were struggling with, and I worked with their prospective coaches to figure out the details. Within a few months, it was clear that they were making great progress. This blog is all about helping your kids to enjoy sports.


3 Ways To Have More Success Ice Fishing This Winter

29 August 2017
Recreation & Sports, Blog

If you didn't catch that many fish when you went ice fishing last winter, you need to change up your game. Here are a few different ways you can increase your success with ice fishing this winter. #1 Try Plastic Bait Although live bait is great because it wiggles around on the line and helps to attract the attention of passing fish, do not discount the usefulness of plastic bait. Many fish actually seem to be more attracted to plastic bait then they do live bait.
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Hire A Personal Trainer To Help You Reach Your Fitness Goals In The Safest Way Possible

29 August 2017
 Categories: Recreation & Sports, Blog

Many people make the mistake of trying to lose as much weight as they can in as little time as possible. This often leads to injuries that can be very difficult to recover from. If you want to learn how to work out in a way that will be most beneficial to your body, consider hiring a personal trainer to help you reach your weight loss goals. The following guide walks you through a few ways the trainer can make losing weight and building muscle as easy as it can possibly be.
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Three Tips To Use When Planning The Perfect Anniversary Celebration Getaway

15 August 2017
 Categories: Recreation & Sports, Blog

Celebrating your anniversary with your wife or husband is a very special occasion. You want to be sure that the experience is memorable and shows your loved one how much you love them. A great way to make your anniversary as great as it can possibly be is to plan a weekend getaway where the two of you can reconnect and enjoy one another's company. The following guide walks you through a few things to look for when planning the perfect weekend getaway.
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5 Tips for Keeping Your Ice-Fishing Auger Blade Nice & Sharp

27 July 2017
 Categories: Recreation & Sports, Blog

An auger blade is used to cut through the ice when ice fishing. In order to effectively cut through the ice when you need it to, the blade has to be sharpened properly. Here are five tips to keep in mind and utilize when you sharpen your auger blade. #1 Remove the Blade Carefully You are going to have to take the blade out of the ice auger. When you do that, you are going to want to make sure that you wear heavy leather gloves so that you don't get hurt by the blades.
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Learn How To Have Great Ribbons Created To Give To Your Swim Team

19 July 2017
 Categories: Recreation & Sports, Blog

When you are the coach of a youth swimming team, you want to do everything that you can to motivate children to do their best at every meet. A great way to motivate children is to provide them with ribbons for winning a heat and for the team that gets the most overall points. It will help them to push themselves to do their best because they want to be the team that walks away with the winning ribbons in the end.
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About Me
Helping Your Children To Enjoy Sports

About a year ago, I realized that my kids weren't doing that well in the sports we had signed them up for. After talking with my kids, I realized that there were some serious issues with a few of the things we had taught them, so I started investing more and more time into helping my kids to love the programs. It was incredible to talk with them about what they were struggling with, and I worked with their prospective coaches to figure out the details. Within a few months, it was clear that they were making great progress. This blog is all about helping your kids to enjoy sports.
