Three Things To Keep In Mind When Buying A Deer Hunting Rifle For The First Time
If you've decided to take up deer hunting, you're going to need a rifle. Naturally, the place to shop is at a gun store because it is here that you will learn the process of purchasing a gun legally in your state. However, there is a wide range of rifles that are suitable for deer hunting, and not all of them are suitable for a beginner. The following are a few things you should know before you start shopping.
You should consider a smaller caliber bullet
The large caliber bullets will have a more powerful recoil to them than smaller caliber rifles. For a beginner, less recoil will help your accuracy when hunting, with less chance of injury. But most deer hunting states will have a minimum caliber for hunting deer. Whatever the caliber is in your state, it is likely the best choice for a beginner. A gun store salesperson can provide additional information concerning bullets.
You should have a gun that feels comfortable
The first issue is weight. Beginners will want to use a lighter gun rather than a heavy one. Until you have used a deer rifle for a while, a heavier gun will be tiresome and likely cause you to shoot with less accuracy. And in case you need a quick follow-up shot, the action is important. Some beginners will want a bolt action, but you may feel more comfortable with a lever action. Of course, a semi-automatic rifle does not require any action to load the next round, but this is often not the best choice for a beginning deer hunter. Also, you should be comfortable with the recoil. You will be spending a lot of time at a shooting range before your first hunt.
You may want to forgo a scope
Iron sights are something that every deer hunter should know how to use. Mechanical adjustments to your line of sight are essential. Even with a mounted scope, if it becomes damaged, you should know how to detach it and use your iron sight to hunt. You can start with a non-scope rifle that has the option of adding a scope at a later time.
When you begin shopping for your first deer hunting rifle, it is important to select a gun that is comfortable to hold. It should be lightweight and a smaller caliber bullet, so the recoil is less powerful. In addition, it may be a good idea to learn how to use iron sights before graduating to scope sights. You will need to shop at a gun store, so you can be educated about gun and hunting laws, as well as gun safety. Target practice is a must, and a gun shop salesperson can point you to a shooting range.
Visit a local gun store to learn more.