Recreation Sports

About a year ago, I realized that my kids weren't doing that well in the sports we had signed them up for. After talking with my kids, I realized that there were some serious issues with a few of the things we had taught them, so I started investing more and more time into helping my kids to love the programs. It was incredible to talk with them about what they were struggling with, and I worked with their prospective coaches to figure out the details. Within a few months, it was clear that they were making great progress. This blog is all about helping your kids to enjoy sports.

Recreation Sports

How To Prevent Back Acne: A Guide For Athletes

14 August 2018
 Categories: Recreation & Sports, Blog

Sweat is an inevitable consequence of being active. As an athlete, you rely on your body to sweat in order to cool you down. Unfortunately, all of that sweat can sometimes lead to clogged pores and acne, especially on your back. If you are tired of dealing with back breakouts, here are five tips to help treat and get rid of your acne.  Choose lightweight, breathable clothing. First, consider the clothing you are wearing when you work out or are active.
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All About Duck Hunting

11 May 2018
 Categories: Recreation & Sports, Blog

If you are new to the idea of hunting and you are wondering whether or not duck hunting is something that would be a good choice for you, then you should learn about some of the benefits it has to offer. Each type of hunting will come with its own great experiences to offer you, and duck hunting is no different. Here are some of the reasons why you may find you enjoy duck hunting.
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Two Reasons Why You Should Have An Arcade Game Machine In Your Restaurant

16 April 2018
 Categories: Recreation & Sports, Blog

Arcade games played a critical role in defining the childhoods of people all across the country. Every Saturday morning you could walk past a local arcade and see it teeming with children and young adults. It was a national pastime that was considered to be the epitome of fun for so many individuals. If you want to bring back a touch of that nostalgia and recapture a bit of your own youth see why you should seriously consider purchasing an arcade game machine for your restaurant.
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4 Key Safety Tips To Remember This Spring Hunting Season

29 March 2018
 Categories: Recreation & Sports, Blog

With the warmer months of spring finally here, now is the time of year when many eager hunters are gearing up for spring turkey season. Specifically, May 1st kicks off the official start of turkey hunting season throughout most participating states, but it's a good idea to check with your specific state to be sure of the legal start date. As you prepare to embark on your first turkey hunting adventure of the season, there are a few safety tips worth remembering (and sharing with other hunters in your group!
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About Me
Helping Your Children To Enjoy Sports

About a year ago, I realized that my kids weren't doing that well in the sports we had signed them up for. After talking with my kids, I realized that there were some serious issues with a few of the things we had taught them, so I started investing more and more time into helping my kids to love the programs. It was incredible to talk with them about what they were struggling with, and I worked with their prospective coaches to figure out the details. Within a few months, it was clear that they were making great progress. This blog is all about helping your kids to enjoy sports.
