4 Key Safety Tips To Remember This Spring Hunting Season
With the warmer months of spring finally here, now is the time of year when many eager hunters are gearing up for spring turkey season. Specifically, May 1st kicks off the official start of turkey hunting season throughout most participating states, but it's a good idea to check with your specific state to be sure of the legal start date.
As you prepare to embark on your first turkey hunting adventure of the season, there are a few safety tips worth remembering (and sharing with other hunters in your group!).
Never Stalk a Turkey
While it can be tempting to follow a gobbling turkey in an effort to get the perfect shot, it's important to keep your distance. When you stalk a turkey too closely, you could put yourself in the line of fire if there are other hunters around. You should also always wear orange, reflective gear while away from your hunting post to avoid these kinds of accidents.
Avoid Turkey Calls
Generally, hen calls are the best way to lure a turkey; they're also the safest way. Unfortunately, using a turkey call to lure a turkey could also fool other hunters in the area and put you at risk. Likewise, if you hear a gobbler, it's always better to assume that the noise is coming from a hunter rather than a turkey until you're able to visually confirm otherwise.
Choose Your Set-Up Wisely
When setting up camp for turkey hunting, it's always best to do so against a tree or rock. While these will not provide you with fail-proof cover, they are the best cover option for most environments. Ideally, your barrier should cover your entire back while still providing a full 180-degree view of your surroundings.
Consider a Hunting Safety Course
Finally, if this is your first year participating in turkey hunting season or if you're still relatively new to turkey hunting, it's never a bad idea to look into enrolling in a hunting safety class before the season officially begins. These classes can provide valuable safety information and can even be useful "refreshers" for more experienced hunters!
Spring hunting season will be underway before you know it. Before you head out on your first hunting trip, however, it is important to keep safety at the forefront of your mind. By keeping these tips in mind, you can better protect yourself and other turkey hunters as well.
To learn more about hunting, schedule a hunting guide with a company like Outdoors International.