Three Firearms To Use As Your "Backpack Gun"
Legally carrying a concealed pistol can make you feel safer when you leave your house, but you may occasionally worry that this firearm could be inadequate for protecting you and your loved ones from a violent incident — being caught in a mass shooting situation, for example. While you can always consider carrying a larger-caliber pistol, another option that some gun owners favor is carrying a "backpack gun." This term describes a larger firearm that you cannot reasonably conceal on your body, but that you can easily carry in a backpack. While your state's laws will play a role in what type of gun you buy, you might wish to consider these firearms as a backpack gun.
Short-Barreled Rifle
When it comes to choosing a firearm that you can tuck into a backpack and subtly carry with you, a short-barreled rifle is one good option to consider. There are all sorts of firearms that fit this description, so ask an employee of your local gun shop to show you some suitable options. There are many advantages of carrying a short-barreled rifle as a backpack gun — namely, the range of this firearm will allow you to engage assailants at a considerable distance, if necessary, and the large magazine capacity of many SBRs means that you won't need to worry about running out of ammunition. Scopes are also common on short-barreled rifles, providing a high degree of accuracy.
Compact Shotgun
A compact shotgun is another type of firearm that isn't necessarily practical to conceal on your body, but that can work well as a backpack gun. While hunting shotguns are long, compact models are conveniently short. A short barrel and a pistol grip instead of a conventional stock help to keep this type of shotgun to a compact length. At close range, compact shotguns are useful for their stopping power — something that may make you feel confident to carry this style of firearm.
Modified Handgun
There are many ways that you can modify a handgun, and you may like the idea of using this type of firearm as a backpack gun. For example, adding a folding stabilizing brace to your pistol gives it more stability, which improves your accuracy. Additionally, extended magazines mean that you'll have more ammunition, and a red dot attachment can make aiming the firearm easier. Having these attachments on a pistol would make it impractical to conceal on your person, but suitable to carry in a backpack. Your local gun shop not only sells handguns that can easily handle these attachments, but it also sells a wide range of attachments that you can use for modifying the firearm.
For more information, contact a local gun store.