Not Quite Ready For The Real Thing? Try Indoor Skydiving Instead

About a year ago, I realized that my kids weren't doing that well in the sports we had signed them up for. After talking with my kids, I realized that there were some serious issues with a few of the things we had taught them, so I started investing more and more time into helping my kids to love the programs. It was incredible to talk with them about what they were struggling with, and I worked with their prospective coaches to figure out the details. Within a few months, it was clear that they were making great progress. This blog is all about helping your kids to enjoy sports.

Not Quite Ready For The Real Thing? Try Indoor Skydiving Instead

Not Quite Ready For The Real Thing? Try Indoor Skydiving Instead

12 October 2017
Recreation & Sports, Blog

If the idea of skydiving partially intrigues you and partially makes you nervous, you'll need to make a decision about how to proceed. On one hand, you don't want to let fear get the better of you — but on the other hand, you might want to feel a little more prepared before you actually learn to jump out of an airplane. An effective way to prepare for skydiving is to take lessons at an indoor skydiving center. Such facilities are common in many area, and give you the ability to simulate the real thing — but inside a vertical tunnel with heavy winds blowing upward. Here are some reasons to try indoor skydiving before you move up to the real thing.

The First Step Is Easier

Perhaps the most nervous you'll feel when you're learning to skydive is the first time you step out of the airplane and see the ground far below you. When you learn at an indoor center, this initial step won't be as much of a concern, given that the ground is only a handful of feet below you. Through practice, you'll be able to master the feeling of being on a solid surface, feeling the air blowing up at you, and then taking that important first step. By practicing indoors, you'll feel less nervous when it comes to the real thing.

You'll Get Used To The Feeling

There's virtually nothing that can replicate the thrill that you experience when skydiving. Even jumping off a cliff into the water, which is something that many thrill seekers enjoy, pales in comparison because it only lasts a second or so. The idea of freefalling may leave you a little nervous, but you'll get used to how this feels at an indoor center. With the air rushing up at you, you'll get to appreciate how it feels to move your body around and feel weightless — which will help to prepare you when it comes time for your actual lessons.

You'll Assess Your Stomach

Some people are excited about the idea of learning to skydive but are nervous that they'll throw up — and the idea of throwing up on your instructor is more than a little embarrassing. When you try skydiving at an indoor center, you aren't commonly strapped to an instructor. Additionally, if you don't feel good, you can quickly give the signal to stop the exercise before you actually throw up. If you're able to enjoy the indoor experience and your stomach feels fine, you'll be ready to sign up for actual skydiving lessons.

About Me
Helping Your Children To Enjoy Sports

About a year ago, I realized that my kids weren't doing that well in the sports we had signed them up for. After talking with my kids, I realized that there were some serious issues with a few of the things we had taught them, so I started investing more and more time into helping my kids to love the programs. It was incredible to talk with them about what they were struggling with, and I worked with their prospective coaches to figure out the details. Within a few months, it was clear that they were making great progress. This blog is all about helping your kids to enjoy sports.
